0) {
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
if($idorname == "username"){
header("Location: /User.aspx?ID=".$row['id']);
$title = htmlspecialchars($row['username'])."'s ".$sitename." Home Page";
include 'core/header.php';
include 'core/nav.php';
$wrroebucks = $row['robux'];
$ticks = $row['tix'];
$blurbington = nl2br(htmlentities($row['blurb']));
$wow1 = str_replace("{robux}", $wrroebucks, $blurbington);
$newblurb = str_replace("{tix}", $ticks, $wow1);
$embedimage = "/api/avatar/getthumb.php?id=".$row['id'];
$embeddescription = htmlspecialchars($row['username'])." is having the time of their life playing ".$sitename.", a 2009 ROBLOX revival. Join us today! \n\n".mb_strimwidth(htmlspecialchars($newblurb), 0, 253, "...");
include "core/discordembed.php";
$visitq = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM `gamesvisits` WHERE gameid = '".$row['id']."'");
$visits = mysqli_num_rows($visitq);
if($_USER['id'] != $id){
mysqli_query($link, "INSERT INTO `profileviews`(`profile`) VALUES ('$id')") or die(mysqli_error($conn));
$page_views = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM profileviews WHERE profile='$id'"));
$lastweekprofileviews = mysqli_num_rows(mysqli_query($link, "select * from profileviews where profile='$id' and date between date_sub(now(),INTERVAL 1 WEEK) and now();"));
if($row['expiretime'] < $now){?>[ Offline ]}else{?>[ Online ]}?> |
's =$sitename ?>: https://=$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];?>/User.aspx?ID=
This person doesn't have any =$sitename;?> places.
$total++; $cinnamonroll++; if ($cinnamonroll >= 3) { echo " |